Saturday, September 6, 2014

Winthrop Beach Sand Truck Turns Over in Revere

At approximately 11:30 a.m. today a tractor-trailer dump truck hauling sand to the Winthrop Beach revitalization project rolled over at Brown Circle rotary in Revere, spilling its load across the roadway.

Revere Police have primary jurisdiction of the rotary and conducted the main crash investigation. The
Massachusetts State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Section (our Truck Team) also responded and examined the truck for compliance with federal and state motor carrier laws.

The truck (1994 Peterbilt tractor pulling a 2009 dump-truck style trailer) is owned by HM Morales Trucking, Inc., of Chelsea. The operator was Miguel Hernandez, 23. He was injured and transported but you will have to get those details from Revere Police. The truck was hauling fill from Saugus to Winthrop at the time of the crash.

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